Each isolated dataset holds a piece of the puzzle. When you don't put them together, you're leaving money on the table.

What it looks like

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— designed for insights.

The world's first DIY Data Fusion platform.

— How it works

Identify common variables

Use the machine learning tools to select the most predictive common variables.


Harmonise the data

Align the datasets before experimenting with one of seven matching algorithms.


Export & Merge

Export the fused data for further analysis, or just export the matched IDs back into your analysis suite.

Its a full house-

The following algorithms are now a click away.


Well... of course. It's 2025 after all. Just throw the kitchen sink at it. Winning all the way.


A host of algorithms are given the opportunity to win your favour. Who will triumph?

Hot Decking

Unopinionated closest neighbour matching. For those who refuse to be wrong.


Not for the faint hearted. Win big or go home crying. Our razor focused & ruthless friend.

Unconstrained Fusion

The traditional go-to that ensures high matching rates & sample confidence.

Constrained Fusion

The jewel in the crown, the unrivaled master, ensuring perfect representation.


Data Fusion is the integration of multiple data sources to produce a unified dataset. This is achieved by leveraging common/shared variables across datasets and merging them based on simularity. Individuals from one dataset are matched with individuals from another. Controls are placed on the rates at which matching occurs in order to preserve the representation of the data. While each match is incorrect, the data approximates a single source dataset at aggregate level. For more, see Does data fusion work?

Data Fusion has been widely used in Media Research for the past 30 years, and sits behind the largest media measurement and ad planning tools. The best way to know for yourself that fusion is right for you is to test it on your own data. Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to do this.

Data Fusion is about making the most from the data your already have about customers, using data you've already have gained alongside their positive consent. Using predictive analytics is not the same as merging records belonging to an individual against their consent.

It is not what is commonly referred to as 'data enrichment', which seeks to merge in real information from an individual. We believe this 1:1 matching is creepy, and without positive GDPR opt in, illegal.

Rather Data Fusion matches an individual's record with that of a similar individual. The output attempts to be accurate an aggregate level only. Data Fusion can nevertheless consume anonymised CRM data. Click here for more about data enrichment for CRMs.

We advocate a strict compliance with both GDPR and the Market Research Society's Fair Data Usage Guidelines. We hold them most dear. Upon uploading, the first thing the system will do is reject what it suspects are names, contact information or addresses - (Geographical region however, is allowed and welcomed). For further information, please refer to our privacy policy.

Your data is secured from the moment it leaves your computer. When you are not using your data on your own system, it remains encrypted at rest in Google Cloud storage in London. All passwords are salted and hashed; system credentials are stored separately. A data trail log is also available at all times, and you can delete all your datasets with one click when you're done. The platform also does not use cookies to store authentication details, and requires reauthentication every time you interact with the data remotely. Zero trust IT policies are abided.

You will need to be able to export data out of your system into a spreadsheet programme, like Microsoft Excel or Open Office. You don't need to know a lot about data, as the wizard will guide you step-by-step. Previous experience working with datasets make the concepts easier to grasp.

Our reseller program is designed to provide agencies with the tools and support they need to deliver data solutions to their clients. This license applies to an organisation or consultant who processes either their own or third party data, where the data will be seen by a third party, either paid for not paid for. The user is responsible for rights/licensing of the data they upload into the system. Click here for advice on building your own data products around fusion.

There are tutorials every step of the way and extra detail for advanced users. Paid plans have access to a help desk. Additional consultancy can be scheduled at the consultant's day rate to support the most complex projects.

Ready to impress?

How does it feel to be minutes away from seeing the results of your first data fusion project.

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