Data Fusion is about making the most from the data your already have about customers, using data you've already have gained alongside their positive consent. Using predictive analytics is not the same as merging records belonging to an individual against their consent.
It is not what is commonly referred to as 'data enrichment', which seeks to merge in real information from an individual. We believe this 1:1 matching is creepy, and without positive GDPR opt in, illegal.
Rather Data Fusion matches an individual's record with that of a similar individual. The output attempts to be accurate an aggregate level only. Data Fusion can nevertheless consume anonymised CRM data. Click here for more about data enrichment for CRMs.
We advocate a strict compliance with both GDPR and the Market Research Society's Fair Data Usage Guidelines. We hold them most dear. Upon uploading, the first thing the system will do is reject what it suspects are names, contact information or addresses - (Geographical region however, is allowed and welcomed). For further information, please refer to our privacy policy.